Solar Current Sense for Cycle analyst V3

16A Hall Effect Current Sensor for Solar CA V3 Firmware. This shunt is great for solar application such as long travel, suntrip... you will be able to check your production and consumption on the same CA V3 screen.

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45,00 €


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+- 16 Amp Hall Effect current sensor for measuring solar charging current with a V3 Cycle Analyst, separate from the discharge current. Allows you to see your solar amps, watts, and watt-hours independently of the controller watts and watt-hours, and even lets you see a net solar watt-hour/km. Power leads are electrically isolated from the sensing signal, so no problems if the BMS circuit trips and changes the ground reference of the charge current cable. 

This device is terminated with a 3 pin plug that mates to the Auxilliary input connector of the CA. As a result, you cannot use the analog aux input for limit settings, but you can still use the digital aux controls by having the up button short to Gnd directly and the down button short via a schottky diode to 0.4V.
